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Operator: Kependekan: Bahasa Indonesia: Bahasa Inggris/Asing: Tag:

Usulkan penambahan/perbaikan

  Kependekan Bahasa Indonesia Bahasa Inggris/Asing Tag Catatan
401. cama calon mahasiswa candidate/prospective (male) tertiary student
402. cami calon mahasiswi candidate/prospective (female) tertiary student
403. capa calon perwira candidate/prospective officer {military}
404. capeg calon pegawai candidate/prospective employee
405. cawu caturwulan term {fourmonth school/education term}
406. CBSA Cara Belajar Siswa Aktif active learning method {informal version:
407. CC corps consulaire {consular corps}
408. CCI ASEAN ASEAN Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ASEAN CCI)
409. CD corps diplomatique {diplomatic corps}
410. cekal cegah tangkal not allowed to leave or enter Indonesia
411. CEO Chief Executive Officer
412. cerber cerita bersambung serialized story
413. cergam cerita bergambar picture story
414. cerpen cerita pendek short story
415. CESDA Center for the Study of Development and Democracy
416. cf. confer compare
417. CGI Consultative Group on Indonesia {formerly: InterGovernmental Group on Indonesia (IGGI)}
418. CIA Central Intelligence Agency (USA)
419. CIDES Center for Information and Development Studies
420. CIFOR Center for International Forestry Research
421. ckp cukup {SMS abbrev:} enough
422. CNPPASEA Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas for South East Asia
423. CNRT Conselho National de Resistancia Timorese National Resistance Council for an Independent East Timor {an East Timor resistance movement}
424. Co. company
425. COD cash on delivery
426. Cominac Conference of Ministers of Information of NonAligned Countries
427. CP cerebral palsy
428. CPE central planned economics
429. CPIS Center for Policy and Implementation Studies {Ministry of Finance}
430. CPL Civil Pilots Licence
431. CPM Corps Polisi Militer Military Police Corps
432. CPNS calon pegawai negeri sipil prospective civil servant
433. CPU central processing unit
434. CRP Community Recovery Program {NGO entrusted with distributing safety net funds from foreign donors}
435. CSIS Center for Strategic and International Studies
436. CST cangkok sumsum tulang bone marrow transplant
437. CSW 1. Centrale Stichting Wederopbouc; 2. Centrale Staats Werken {1. =?; 2. =? }
438. curanmor pencurian kendaraan motor motor vehicle theft
439. curas pencurian dengan kekerasan voilent robbery
440. curcol curahan hati colongan percakapan
441. curhat curahan hati percakapan
442. CV 1. Perseroan Komanditer (Commanditaire Vennootschap); 2. Curriculum Vitae; 3. cardiovascular 1. Limited Partnership; 2. resum
443. D-1 diploma satu diploma I
444. D-2 diploma dua diploma II
445. D-3 diploma tiga diploma III
446. D-4 diploma empat diploma IV
447. d.a. dengan alamat care of (c/o)
448. d.l. dinas luar duties offpremises
449. D.Sc. doctor of science
450. D1 D-1