Kependekan |
Bahasa Indonesia |
Bahasa Inggris/Asing |
Tag |
Catatan |
3251. |
voltohm meter |
3252. |
vs |
versus |
3253. |
video tape recorder/recording |
3254. |
Varietas Unggul Tahan Wereng |
WerengProof Superior Variety {rice variety from the |
3255. |
VW |
Volkswagon |
3256. |
Wajib Bayar |
Payer {taxation} |
3257. |
wadam |
wanita adam |
transvestite; homosexual |
3258. |
Wadan |
wakil komandan |
deputy commander |
3259. |
Wadir |
wakil direktor |
deputy director |
3260. |
Wagub |
1. wakil gubernur; 2. Wah, gundul banget! |
1. vicegovernor; 2. Wow, so bald! |
3261. |
wajar |
wajib belajar |
compulsory education |
3262. |
Waka |
wakil kepala |
deputy head |
3263. |
Wakapri |
Wakil Kepala Perwakilan Republik Indonesia |
Deputy Chief of Overseas Mission of the Republic of Indonesia |
3264. |
Wakas |
wakil kepala staf |
deputy head of staff |
3265. |
wala |
wajib latih |
compulsory (military) training |
3266. |
walama |
wajib latih mahasiswa |
student military training obligation |
3267. |
walawa |
wajib latih mahasiswa |
university student military training |
3268. |
walawa |
wajib latihan mahasiswa |
compulsory (tertiary) student military training |
3269. |
Walhi |
Wahana Lingkungan Hidup Indonesia |
Indonesian Forum for the Environment |
3270. |
Walop |
wajib lapor |
someone who is required to report {i.e., presenting oneself to the police or military authorities, etc.} |
3271. |
Walubi |
Perwakilan Umat Buddha Indonesia |
Council of Buddhist Communities |
3272. |
wamil |
wajib militer |
(military) conscription |
3273. |
wampa |
wakil menteri pertama |
deputy prime minister |
3274. |
World Association of Muslim Scholars |
3275. |
Wanhankamnas |
Dewan Pertahanan Keamanan Nasional |
National Defence and Security Council |
3276. |
Wanjakti |
Dewan Pertimbangan Jabatan dan Kepangkatan AD Tingkat Tinggi |
HighRangking Army Council for Assignments and Ranks |
3277. |
Wanra |
perlawanan rakyat |
people |
3278. |
Wapa |
Wajib Pajak |
Taxpayer |
3279. |
Wapam |
Warung Pasar Modal |
3280. |
Wapangab |
Wakil Panglima Angkatan Bersenjata |
Deputy Commander of the Armed Forces |
3281. |
Waperdam |
wakil perdana menteri |
deputy prime minister |
3282. |
Wapres |
Wakil Presiden |
VicePresident |
3283. |
Wajib Pungut |
Payer of Duties {taxation} |
3284. |
Wara |
Wanita Angkatan Udara |
Women |
3285. |
waria |
wanita pria |
transvestite |
3286. |
warkop |
warung kopi |
coffee shop |
3287. |
warnet |
warung Internet |
Internet caf |
3288. |
warteg |
warung tegal |
lowpriced (sidewalk) caf |
3289. |
wartel |
warung telekomunikasi |
telecommunications caf |
3290. |
warten |
warung tenda |
outdoor restaurant under a tent |
3291. |
Wasantara |
Wawasan Nusantara |
national outlook ( |
3292. |
Wasantaranet |
Wawasan Nusantara Network |
{Posindo |
3293. |
wasbang |
pengawasan pembangunan |
development supervision |
3294. |
wasera |
warung selera Nusantara |
caf |
3295. |
waskat |
pengawasan melekat |
close supervision |
3296. |
wasmat |
pengawas dan pengamat |
supervisor and monitor |
3297. |
wasnas |
kewaspadaan nasional |
national vigilance |
3298. |
wasrik |
pengawasan dan pemeriksaan |
supervision and inspection |
3299. |
watunas |
wanita tunasusila |
3300. |
World Boxing Association |