Bahasa Indonesia | Bahasa Asing | Kata kunci | Bidang | Sumber | |
1. | abses tiroid | abscess of thyroid | abses; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
2. | arteri tiroid inferior | inferior thyroid artery | arteri; inferior; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
3. | badai tiroid | thyroid storm | badai; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
4. | disgenesis tiroid | dysgenesis of thyroid | disgenesis; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
5. | hormon perangsang tiroid | thyroid stimulating hormone | hormon; perangsang; tiroid | Kimia | Pusba |
6. | hormon perangsang tiroid | thyroid stimulating hormone | hormon; perangsang; tiroid | Biologi | Pusba |
7. | hormon perangsang tiroid | thyroid stimulating horm one | hormon; perangsang; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
8. | hormon perangsang tiroid bertindak lama (LATS) | long-acting thyroid stimulating (LATS) hormone | LATS; bertindak; hormon; lama; perangsang; tiroid | Kedokteran Hewan | Pusba |
9. | hormon tiroid | thyroid hormone | hormon; tiroid | Kimia | Pusba |
10. | hormon tiroid | thyroid hormone | hormon; tiroid | Biologi | Pusba |
11. | hormon tiroid | thyroid hormone | hormon; tiroid | Kedokteran Hewan | Pusba |
12. | hormon tiroid | thyroid hormon | hormon; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
13. | kapsul kelenjar tiroid | capsule of thyroid gland | kapsul; kelenjar; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
14. | kelenjar tiroid | thyroid gland | kelenjar; tiroid | Biologi | Pusba |
15. | kelenjar tiroid | thyroid gland | kelenjar; tiroid | Peternakan | Pusba |
16. | kelenjar tiroid | thyroid gland | kelenjar; tiroid | Perikanan | Pusba |
17. | kelenjar tiroid | thyroid gland | kelenjar; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
18. | koloid tiroid | colloid thyroid | koloid; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
19. | krisis tiroid | thyroid crisis | krisis; tiroid | Kedokteran | Pusba |
20. | nodul tiroid tunggal berfungsi autonom | autonomously functioning singlethyroid nodule | autonom; berfungsi; nodul; tiroid; tunggal | Kedokteran | Pusba |